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IOSR Journal of Engineering (IOSRJEN)

ISSN (e): 2250-3021, ISSN (p): 2278-8719

Vol. 07, Issue 04(April. 2017), ||V1|| PP 36-42

International organization of Scientific Research 36 | P a g e

Mathematical Model of Fine Aggregate Granulometry Complying

With ASTM C33

M.J. Pellegrini-Cervantes1*, G.M.Arizmendi-Valdez 1, H. Cortez-Rodriguez1,

M. Chinchillas-Chinchillas1 , A. Castro-Beltran1 , F .J.Baldenebro-Lopez1 , H.J.

Peinado-Guevara1 , O. Llanes Cardenas2 , R. Beltran-Chacon3

1Facultad de Ingeniería Mochis, UAS - Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa. Fuente de Poseidón y calle Ángel

Flores S/N, Los Mochis, Sinaloa C.P. 81223, México.

2Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Centro Interdisciplinario de investigación para desarrollo integral regional

unidad Sinaloa, Boulevard Juan de Dios Batís Paredes 250 , Guasave , Sinaloa. C.P. 81101, México.

3Centro de Investigación en Materiales Avanzados, Física de Materiales, Miguel de Cervantes 120, Chihuahua,

Chihuahua. C.P. 31109, México.


Abstract: - The granulometry of fine aggregates is a fundamental test for the production of quality concrete [1],

for this reason the American Association of Materials Testing (ASTM) has created a standard where it shows a

granulometric ideal curve (formed by an upper bound and a lower limit), mentioning that the fine aggregate

used for the preparation of concrete must be within these limits [4].At present, there are many mathematical

models that predict fine aggregate granulometry, but none of them conforms to ASTM specifications [5]. For

this reason, the need to elaborate a mathematical model arises that doescomply with those specifications.In this

paper, different mathematical models were analyzed and compared with the ASTM C-33 granulometric

curve.An equation was also designed that predicts fine aggregate granulometry with a Maximum Aggregate Size

(MAS) of 4.76 mm and meets the requirements of ASTM C-33.

Keywords: - Granulometry, particle size, sands, aggregates.


Aggregates are inert granular materials formed by fragments of rock or sand used in construction and in

many industrial applications. Colloquially they are known as sand, gravel, grit, among others [1]. Aggregates in

concrete constitute approximately 56 to 81% of the total volume, they do not intervene in the processes of

hydration of the cement, they provide mechanical resistance, have good adhesion with cement paste, are used as

filler material and they control volumetric changes of the cement paste avoiding the generation of cracks [2,3].

Due to their contributions, one of the characteristics that are most taken care of at the time of elaborating

concrete is the size of the aggregates, for that reason, the American Association of Testing of Materials (ASTM)

created the norm "Standard Specification for Concrete Aggregates "(ASTM C-33) where they propose a

granulometric curve for the fine aggregate formed by a lower bound and an upper limit [4]. The test consists of

passing a sample through graduated meshes and determining the percentage of material that is retained in each

of them. The test results are graphed, the sieve opening against the percentage retained on each sieve to obtain a

granulometric curve. If this curve is within the limits set by ASTM C-33, the fine aggregate is suitable for its

use in concrete [5]. Another form to estimate the granulometry of fine aggregates commonly used is through

mathematical models [6]. Many researches have been developed to predict granulometry, most of which are

based on the arrangement, compaction of particles in a given volume [7, 8], on the form and origin of the

aggregates, in order to achieve the maximum density and with this the maximum resistance [9, 10, 11]. The

most widely used mathematical models for the prediction of aggregate granulometry are Fuller-Thompson,

Weymounth, Sánchez de Guzman and Bolomey [12,13]. However, these mathematical models do not meet the

granulometric limits set by ASTM C-33. Therefore, it is important to design a mathematical model that allows

to obtain a granulometric curve that is within the quality parameters of ASTM.In this paper, a mathematical

model is proposed that has the purpose to predict the granulometry of aggregates knowing the maximum size of

aggregate to obtain a granulometric curve that is within the limits set by ASTM C-33 norm.

Mathematical Model Of Fine Aggregate Granulometry Complying With

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2.1 Study of mathematical models to obtain the granulometry

Four existing mathematical models were analyzed to obtain the curve of the fine aggregates with

different maximum sizes of aggregates (MAS), in order to know if the granulometric curve of these models,

comply with the limits proposed in ASTM C-33 norm.

The first mathematical model analyzed was that of Fuller-Thomson, in which it is obtained the

percentage that passes through the sieve with the formula that is observed in equation 1, where the "d"

represents the opening of the sieve, the "D" the MAS and the exponent is raised to ½. This method produces

rough and unmanageable blends in plastic state.

= 


The following method was Weymouth's method using equation 2, and it is based on that the fine

particles of a single size must have enough space to move between the big particles and is based on the Fuller-

Thomson equation, changing the exponent of ½ to "n", which governs the distribution of the particles and is in

function of the coarse aggregate. For the case of the fine aggregate, the size d smaller than 4.76 mm will have a

n of 0.305

= 


In practice, it was observed that increasing the value of n causes that more compaction energy is

needed to achieve a unit MAS and a maximum resistance. That is why it is necessary to use values of n lower

than 5.The next method analyzed was that of Sánchez de Guzmán, which adds to its expression a value of n of

0.45 to eliminate roughness, improves maneuverability and provides high resistances to obtain the ideal

gradation curve, shown in equation 3.Based on the curve of the compressive strength (unit weight of concrete)

against the value of n.

= 

. ()

Finally, is found the expression proposed by Bolomey, because it contemplates a higher content of

fines within the MAS of the aggregate to improve the resistance of the mixture in plastic state and is the one that

is currently more valid.Equation 4 shows the formula for obtaining the gradation curve, where constant f excels,

which indicates the degree of workability of a mixture for a consistency and certain shape.

P = f + 100 f d

D 0.5 (1)

In these models, the percentage of fines passed by No. 4 ", 8", 16 ", 30", 50 "and 100" mesh was

calculated, where it was proposed to pass 100% aggregate in the first 4 meshes, graphing the results.

2.2 Comparison of mathematical models with ASTM C-33.

To make the comparison, the grain size limits established by ASTM C-33 were graphed, the values

were obtained from this norm and on the same graph were placed the gradation curves of each mathematical

model with different MAS. In order to know the behavior of each mathematical model and observe whether or

not they comply with the limits of ASTM C-33.

2.3 Proposed mathematical model.

A proposal was made for a mathematical model that shows a granulometric curve within the limits of

ASTM C-33, in which MAS of 4.76 mm was used. Since in practice and in laboratory tests, this is the maximum

size of the average aggregate, which is why it is of great importance to find the exact equation to obtain the ideal

curve with this aggregate size.


3.1 Obtaining the granulometry of existing mathematical models


Figure 1 shows the grain size curves for different maximum aggregate sizes (MAS) obtained using the

mathematical model of Fuller-Thompson, in which MAS is used as its variable.The red curve and the strong

blue mark the upper and lower limit of granulometry in ASTM C-33 norm.The orange and light blue line (MAS

of 0.63 and 1 mm) clearly show that they do not meet the grain size of ASTM norm, therefore, the mathematical

model of Fuller would not comply with these two MAS.On the other hand, when MAS is 3 mm, it can be

observed that one part of the curve is out (0.15 and 0.5 mm sieve aperture) and the other within the limits set by

ASTM (sieve aperture of 0.63, 1 and 3 mm).And, finally, when MAS is 4.76 mm, only two points in the graph

Mathematical Model Of Fine Aggregate Granulometry Complying With

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are within ASTM granulometry and these are the retained percentage of the sand with a size of 0.63 mm and

4.76 mm.The other points are not inside. Therefore, the mathematical model presented by Fuller does not show

a granulometry suitable for the elaboration of concretes according to the regulations of ASTM.

Figure 1.Granulometry of the Fuller-Thomson model with different MAS and ASTM C-33 limits.


The results of this mathematical model are observable in Figure 2.The difference of these results with

those mentioned above is due to the change of the exponent in the formula, since Weymounth assigns a specific

value of n for each MAS.The graph shows that the grain size for a MAS aggregate of 0.63 and 1 mm does not

comply with the limits set by ASTM C-33 norm. On the other hand, when MAS is 3mm, only two points in the

graph corresponding to the opening of the sieve of 1 and 3mm are within limits marked in the norm, the other

points do not comply with this granulometry. The interesting thing is that when MAS is 4.76, the majority of the

percentages retained in the meshes are within the lower and upper limits marked in ASTM C-33, only the

smaller aggregates do not comply having a variation of approximately 20%. It is worth mentioning that, in

constructive practice, the most used MAS is of 4.76mm.

Figure 2.Granulometry of the Weymouth model with different MAS and ASTM C-33 limits.

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Sánchez de Guzmán

The results of graphing different MAS with the mathematical model of Sánchez de Guzmán are shown

in Figure 3, where it is observed that the granulometry for MAS of 0.63 and 1 mm, are not within the limits

marked in the ASMT C-33 norm.For these sizes, Sánchez model would not comply. In the case of MAS of 3

mm, three points of the graph comply with the limits that ASTM marks, being those of 0.63, 1 and 3 mm.But

the smaller sizes that are 0.15 and 0.5 mm do not comply.Finally, the particle size for a 4.76 mm MAS is very

close to the lower limit of ASTM C-33, where the sizes of 4.76, 3 and 0.63 mm are within the limits of the

norm, but the sizes of 3, 0.5 and 0.15 mm are not, staying out.Which tells us that this mathematical model is not

suitable for the granulometryof the sand used in the elaboration of concrete with the specifications that marks

ASMT C-33 norm.

Figure 3.Granulometry of the Sánchez de Guzmán model with different MAS and ASTM C-33 limits.


The Bolomey model uses a factor f, which can have different values depending on the shape of the

aggregates and the consistency of the concrete in plastic state.Figure 4 shows the gradation curves of different

MAS obtained from the Bolomey formula with a factor of 7, 10 and 12, taking into account that the shape of the

aggregates is round and each graph corresponds to a state of consistency, dry, normal and plastic

(respectively).As can be seen in the three figures, MAS of 0.63 and 1 mm do not meet the granulometry of

ASTM C-33 norm.For a 3 mm MAS, the tendency is similar in all three graphs, only three points are within the

norm (3, 1 and 0.63) and the smaller aggregate sizes are left out (0.15 and 0.5). For a 4.76 mm MAS, as the "f"

factor increases, the gradation curve within the limits set by according to ASTM norm.

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Figure 4.Granulometry of the Bolomey model with different f [a) of 7, b) of 10 and c) of 12] with different

MAS and ASTM C-33 limits.

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3.2 Obtaining the proposed mathematical model.

In equation 5, it is observed the obtained formula, which uses as variables the maximum aggregate size

(D) and the sieve aperture (d).The equation has three expressions, one of which contains an exponent raised to

the third power, followed by the subtraction of another part raised to the square, followed by addition and

subtraction.Substituting the sieve aperture and assuming that MAS is 4.76 mm, the percentages that pass in each

mesh would be obtained, obtaining the granulometric curve.

% = . [

]  .  [

] +. [

]  . ( )

3.3 Granulometry of the proposed mathematical model against granulometric limits of ASTM C-33 norm.

In Figure 5, it can be seen that using the proposed equation, shows a degradation curve that is within

the granulometric limits set by ASTM C-33 norm.All points comply with the granulometry. In mesh No. 4, the

percentage that passes is of 100% in mesh number 8, the percentage of fine aggregate passing is of 99.68%.In

the next mesh, No. 16, the value of the percentage that passes is very close to the lower limit that marks the

norm, but ends up staying within the limits with a 50.3% that passes.Mesh No. 30 has the value of 34.9%, mesh

No. 50 has a percentage that passes 28.34 and the last mesh (No. 100) passes only 7.3%.Where it is

demonstrated that using the proposed equation with a 4.76 mm MAS produces a degradation curve suitable for

its use, following the quality standards set by ASTM C-33 norm.

Figure 5.Granulometry of the proposed mathematical model with MAS of 4.76 and the granulometric limits of

ASTM C-33 norm.


It was found that when using the mathematical models of Fuller-Thompson, Weymounth, Sánchez de

Guzmán and Bolomey to obtain the granulometry of the sand with different MAS's, do not comply with the

granulometric limits that mark ASTM C-33 norm, which is a very important specification to be able to use the

fine aggregate in the elaboration of concretes. Consequently, these mathematical models cannot be used in the

construction industry. It was possible to elaborate a mathematical model that serves to obtain an ideal

granulometry according to ASTM C-33 norm for a MAS of 4.76mm.When using this model, a granulometry is

obtained that is within the limits established by the norm and, therefore, the fine aggregate can be used for the

elaboration of concrete.

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The authors thank the Autonomous University of Sinaloa, Faculty of Engineering Mochis for providing

the facilities and equipment to carry out the research; to Dr. Manuel de JesúsPellegrini Cervantes for instructing

us with his ample and successful teachings and to CONACyT for providing us a scholarship being viable the

realization of it. REFERENCES

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ResearchGate has not been able to resolve any citations for this publication.

The main aim of mixture design is to select the best configuration of material in order to achieve mixture fabricating purposes. Aggregate make up a high proportion of volume and mass of mixtures, hence it considered as an important constituent of asphalt concrete. It has been hypothesised that the gradation is an important feature of the aggregate in adoption of optimum mixture. Three gradations are used to manufacture Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA) within special specification band of local code. Rutting resistance was evaluated using the Flow Number (FN) parameter and in order to determine the moisture sensitivity mechanism, a mechanical and visual inspection tests are carried out. The main conclusion of this study is that contrary to customary belief, middle gradation of select band does not produce the best results. Eventually some proposed factors, such as determining "sensitive mixtures" to binder content variation, have been determined for mixture design process.

  • Iris Esmeralda Martínez-Soto
  • Carlos Javier Mendoza-Escobedo

The solid wastes produced by the ready mixed concrete industry represent a serious problem that need an immediately solution. This concrete might be used to fabricate recycled concrete aggregate (RCA). In this paper the mechanical properties of concrete fabricated with RCA and different cement contents are presented. The RCA were fabricated using old laboratory specimens made of ready mixed concrete. The results showed the properties of the recycled concrete are similar to that of natural concrete. Accordingly, the recycled concrete can likely be used as type two concrete in agreement with Mexico City Building Code (RCDF).

  • Maria Patricia León
  • Fernando Ramírez

Properties of fresh and hardened concrete are affected by the morphological characteristics of the aggregates. However, there is not an established correlation, between the aggregate shape and the concrete properties, to be taken into account during the mix design process. Conventional aggregate shape measurement methods are subjective, and that is why image analysis has been recently used to determine the morphological characteristics of particles. In this study, the morphological characteristics of coarse aggregates from two different sources are determined using both, conventional methods and image analysis by means of Fourier descriptors. Mechanical properties of concrete prepared with coarse aggregates having different elongation indexes were evaluated. Results indicate that the aggregate shape has little influence in the concrete compressive strength and elastic modulus, while its influence in workability is significant.

  • José Toirac Corral

El suelo-cemento es la mezcla íntima y homogénea de suelo pulverizado con determinadas cantidades de cemento portland y agua, y que luego de compactado, para obtener densidades altas, y curado , para que se produzca un endurecimiento más efectivo, se obtiene un nuevo material resistente a los esfuerzos de compresión, prácticamente impermeable, termo aislante y estable en el tiempo. Como se expresa en la introducción, la tierra o suelo es sin duda el material de construcción más antiguo de los empleados por el hombre en su evolución histórica, llegando hasta el presente como una verdadera alternativa de solución a la demanda actual de vivienda de sectores de medianos y bajos recursos. En el presente trabajo aquí desarrollado, se exponen importantes resultados de las investigaciones desarrolladas sobre el particular, aportando el conocimiento necesario para emprender la acción.

  • Jin-Zhi Xu
  • pw Hao pw Hao

This paper investigated the influences of aggregate gradation on the mix design and mechanical properties of foamed bitumen mix (FBM). Various gradations with different compositions of the fine aggregate fraction (FAF) and coarse aggregate fraction (CAF) were designed and quantified as gradation shaper factors for the different fractions. The mix design results showed that the optimum foamed bitumen content was mainly determined by the content of fillers (<0.075 mm), but independent of the CAF composition. The indirect tensile strength test and unconfined compressive strength test were used to characterise the mechanical properties of FBM with varying aggregate gradations. The test results indicated that the FAF was the most dominant part in gradations of FBM, while the composition of the CAF had an insignificant impact on FBM. Increasing the density of the FAF and ensuring a rational trend of the blended gradation simultaneously could effectively improve the mechanical properties of FBM. Rational ranges of the shaper factors for the FAF and blended gradation were recommended based on the test results.

Analisis de tamaño de partículas por tamizado en agregado fino y grueso y determinación de material más fino que el tamiz no. 200 (75 um) en agregado mineral por lavado

  • Jose Simeon

Jose Simeon Cañas. "Analisis de tamaño de partículas por tamizado en agregado fino y grueso y determinación de material más fino que el tamiz no. 200 (75 um) en agregado mineral por lavado",

Tecnología del concreto-Tomo 1.Materiales, propiedades y diseños de mezclas.Terceraedicion

  • J D Osorio Redondo

J.D. Osorio Redondo. Tecnología del concreto-Tomo 1.Materiales, propiedades y diseños de mezclas.Terceraedicion. 2010.

Optimización del esqueleto granular

  • E Martinez Conesa
  • C Parra
  • P Ortega
  • M Valcuende
  • I Miñano

E. Martinez Conesa, C. Parra, P. Ortega, M. Valcuende, and I. Miñano, "Optimización del esqueleto granular.," 2012.

El concreto y otrosmaterialespara la construcción

  • Libia Gutiérrez De López

Libia Gutiérrez de López. "El concreto y otrosmaterialespara la construcción", 2003.